Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Change in Weight, in Attitude, and Then There's Channing Tatum

December 1st, I'm going to try and re-start my life. I realize that this will be tomorrow, but I think I can prepare myself in that little time (well, it is 10:00 pm on November 30...). I've just decided though: I'm not happy. I'm just not happy with myself. Not just physically, but personality-wise. Being rude to people when they are rude to me. Ya know what? I'm just going to kill people with my nice-ness from now on. I don't want to have to look back on my highschool years and say 'geez...I was sort of a brat.' Instead I want to look back and say 'yes, I had the courage to change who and what I was and I followed through with it.'
Tomorrow, not only am I going to start working out and eating healthy, but I am also going to bite my tongue when normally I wouldn't. I'm not happy with my grades and with my body and just lots and lots of things. And I don't want to sit around any more and say that that's just the way things are. I now realize that they are only the way they are because I have made them that way and there's no use trying to pin it on anyone else. I guess I just have to make a list of things to help change myself:

1. Start hanging around with a better crowd
2. Actually start working out this time (I've said this about a dozen times before...if not more but have never followed through with it for more than a week)
3. Do my homework with the now 2 study halls I have to do it in
4. Not eat a Big Mac and fries on my break at McD's any more (frowny face)
5. Try to be more understanding of the people I get angry at

I'm sure I'll think of more later. I really do want to be serious about number 2 though! For some reason...and I think it may have to do something with the fact that I just watched She's the Man and Channing Tatum was attracted to the athletic girls....so now I have in the back of my mind that someone like Channing Tatum could be attracted to someone like me if I hopped on the treadmill, anyways for some reason I just got the sudden urge to start running. And I HATE running. I absolutely loathe running, in fact...but I suppose running would be a lot easier than using the 12 lemons I have in my fridge to go on the lemonade diet for a week to cleanse my system...by the way, does anyone need any lemons? It was a stupid spur of the moment thing. I had heard that Beyonce had gone on this diet and had lost 21 pounds on it...but a week with no food whatsoever...I just know that I can't do that. So, I wasted 6 1/2 dollars on freaking lemons. I suppose I'll just have to make some good lemonade or something.

I'm going to try to get my butt on the treadmill after school tomorrow since I don't have to be at work until 5:00. Half an hour should be good for me to start out on. I'll write again in a few days on my progress. Hopefully it will actually be progress.

Wish me luck!

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